Monday, December 7, 2015


With all of the recent events and happenings floating around in the news with terrorism, it's no surprise that somehow it can all be used as a way for media and politics to generalize the blame to all Muslims. In a country that is founded off of freedom and the ability to practice whatever religion you please, it sure seems like our presidential frontrunner, Mr. Trump, has no recollection of anything called the constitution, because he believes that no Muslims should be allowed to enter the country "until the countries representatives can figure all this out."

What are you doing sir?????????


I definitely don't want to bring politics into this class, but it seems to me that he really is forgetting about the fact that we the people have RIGHTS, and anyone should have the right to travel here legally to believe whatever they desire.

Sorry to anyone I may have offended politically, I really haven't researched enough on any of the candidates to have a serious opinion, but it seems the media just really likes to highlight on all the times Trump says something stupid.

You shoulda kept your name off of that beautiful building you own on the Chicago river, and maybe I'd like you more. It was kinda nice knowing it was pretty and not affiliated with you.

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